Executive Summaries of All CRS Reports

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Nominations with Cloture Motions, 2009 to the present - M-112113

Richard S. Beth and Elizabeth Rybicki

Specialists on Congress and the Legislative Process

This memorandum provides information on nominations that have been subject to cloture motions during the 113
thCongress (through November 20, 2013).The table below presents information in the same format as Table 6 of CRS Report RL32878, Cloture Attempts on Nominations: Data and Historical Development, by Richard S. Beth, and can be used to update the data in that report. It also responds to multiple congressional inquiries for a comparison of cloture action taken on all nominations and cloture action taken on nominations submitted in the 111th(2009-2010), 112th(2011-2012) and 113thCongress (through November 20, 2013).

Date of Report: November 21, 2013

Number of Pages: 3
Order Number: M-112113

Price: $19.95

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Nominations with Cloture Motions, 2009 to the present - M-112113